Bromeliads are primarily adapted to living high in the canopies of the rain forests of South America and the Amazon. They’re cup like shape capable of storing moisture and surviving in places with little to no soil. They are beautiful like flowers in permanent bloom, they add color and an exotica to ornamental plants. In nature they can be found growing on the tops of trees, most of them epithetic by nature. Terrestrial Bromeliads produce larger blooms and cant be grown within the ground, and hold a lot of water, their flowers are stunning plumes that emerge from the center of the rosette. Bromeliads reproduce after they bloom, providing annual beauty and offspring. We carry a large variety of Bromeliads, each is unique and the Bromeliad family itself is a large one full of lots of variations. Upon request we can make a mixture of variety’s into a living arrangement, or depending on your situation we can recommend specific varieties that best suit your climate and sun levels with this species their are a lot of great options.